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✏️ Parent Questionnaire

We are excited to be working with you and your child this year! Please help us get to know your child by responding to the filling out the Parent Questionnaire.  Your answers will help us get off to a great start.  We are looking forward to a year filled with many fantastic learning experiences in our classrooms.  

This questionnaire is also available in your child's Google Classroom.  If you would like, you could ask your child to show you how to find it there so that you can see how they log on to that platform.  Later, during Parent Curriculum Night on Wednesday, September 11th, we will show you how to sign up to receive guardian summaries from Google Classroom.

Thank you so much for taking the time to fill this out.  Your answers really help us to learn so much about your child so much quicker than we could on our own. We'd love to have these completed by Friday, September 13th.